Sometimes it can be easier to close a customer on a customized golf cart than a basic model. This is because the customer can picture exactly how they’ll customize a golf cart for their needs. Asking about these needs can be a big help in closing the customer. Instead of viewing you as an opponent to haggle over price and features with, they’ll more naturally view you as an ally they can work alongside. Here are some approaches that help put you both on the same side when customizing a golf cart:

How Do You Want to Use the Golf Cart?

This is the broad opener. It should seem obvious, but customers sometimes come in with ideas of the parts they want regardless of whether these are the best options for what they want the golf cart to do. You might get to this basic question eventually, but the longer a customer goes without broaching it, the longer they’re telling you what they want from you instead of telling you what they want from the golf cart. That sets up the sale to be an uphill climb about fulfilling unsaid expectations about you rather than talking about golf carts.

Getting them talking about how they want to use the customized golf cart gets you on the same side. Now they’re taking the idea of a golf cart they don’t own yet and telling you about what they want to use it for. When you look at parts through a customization app together, you’re both writing the customer’s story about using the golf cart. That takes a confrontational sales situation and makes it cooperative.

Two Good Choices

Some customers come in with no knowledge and are happy to rely on a dealer’s expertise. Other customers come in as experts themselves. Yet many customers come in with partial knowledge and assume that it equals yours. You don’t want to tell them they’re wrong about anything because this can push them back. It creates a confrontational situation. Instead, offer two good choices.

For instance, if they’re convinced a gas-powered vehicle is better than an electric vehicle for hunting because of power and range, you can introduce the concept of an electric vehicle as having good alternate strengths – it won’t create the noise a gas-powered vehicle will, which means animals won’t be scared off. Then you can use the customization app to introduce electric alternatives that match the gas version’s power and range.

This way, you aren’t shooting down their idea and replacing it with your own. You’re offering a new idea and then fusing it to their idea. Again, this takes a confrontational situation and makes it cooperative.

To cooperate, you need something to cooperate on. Customizing a golf cart via an app that keeps all parts updated monthly is a good start. It gives you and the customer a way to customize a golf cart side-by-side.