Car Auto Speed by philriley427 To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with Car Auto Speed has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Car Auto Speed.
You can race anything. You can race on foot, on skates, on skis. You can race cars and trucks. You can race drones today. Yet you may not have thought of golf cart racing. It’s OK, other people have.
There are some people who like golf carts, but just don’t like golf. For folks who just want to supe up a golf cart and take I ton the track, there’s golf cart racing and golf cart drag racing.
Golf Cart Racing Leagues
The National Golf Kart Racing Association is only one of several leagues that organize these events. They can draw hundreds of spectators for customized racing golf carts that are rebuilt with new engines, suspension systems, and tires. The carts themselves draw regional sponsors.
Many of these hobbyists start with old golf carts and tear everything out, tinkering around until they’ve got a 100 mph golf cart with liability concerns that would haunt any country club owner’s nightmares. From off-road golf cart racing to golf cart drag racing, what are racers looking for, and how does this inform their interaction with customized golf carts through dealers?
Many Types of Races
One of the first things to understand is that there are different ranks and leagues formed all over. Some leagues allow you to tear everything but the chassis out. These are for tinkerers and hobbyists who just want to go fast.
Other leagues focus on electric golf cart racing, and these carts can go just as fast. This is for a different sort of tinkerer with a different sort of specialty.
There are track races and off-road races. There are off-road races with marked courses, and off-road races with just a finish line.
Still more focus on racing golf carts more or less as-is. The changes here are more aesthetic, to make people smile and laugh. These are more community-oriented in nature, and don’t have the profit-motive of the 100 mph golf cart drag races.
Building Relationships
That gives you a pretty wide spectrum, but if a dealer or one of your salespeople can create relationships within any of these racing communities, it can be a consistent source of income, brand recognition, and goodwill for your dealership.
Customized racing golf carts run the gamut. Some are specialty builds by designers who create bespoke racing models. That might be something you can’t contend with as much. Others can get everything they need through your dealership. It’s important to get a good sense of what a golf cart racing league involves and what they look to buy.
Be Realistic About What You Can Supply
While you may not be able to supply certain items for an ultra-competitive, high-money golf cart drag racing league, you can certainly cover local track racing or an off-road race. Many off-road golf cart racers can find what they need directly through a dealership since you’re already equipped to supply hunters, campers, fishers, and other outdoors-people with capable golf carts designed for difficult terrain. Coordinate with leagues or events to offer deals and discounts as you see fit. If it interests you, don’t be afraid to invest in a reasonable sponsorship.
Apps are the Future
Golf cart racers look for easy-to-handle tools, so use an app capable of designing a customized racing golf cart. An app that’s updated regularly will possess the latest parts on offer and keep inventory current. This is ideal. Racers are quicker to buy, but they don’t want to deal with a lot of back and forth. Make sure the customization app you have is capable of quick and accurate customization, and features e-mail tools to be able to keep communicating about and updating designs.